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Laphriini Bibliography Update

October 20, 2012

I updated the Laphriini Bibliography with 13 papers. To start with, I realized that the bibliography did not include two essential general asilid papers. First was the literature update by Lavigne (1999). Second was the follow-up update by Ghahari, Lavigne, and Geller-Grimm (2007).

Next, I added a newer paper I also knew about but had likewise overlooked, namely Bedell's (2010) list of Virginia asilids.

Last, I regularly check the web for new papers. In doing so I stumbled across ten much older publications. Eight mention Laphriini from North America north of Mexico. One of the oddballs is Bertram (1935). He mentions a European species, Laphria flava. I included it for it's biological interest.

The other is Aldrich (1907). He lists a species of Dasyllis from Mexico. Since in his 1905 catalog he uses Dasyllis to mean Laphria s. str., I am assuming that this species 1) is a true Laphria, and 2) is different from species north of the border. Unlike the 1965 Diptera Catalog, Aldrich's 1905 catalog and its supplement cover both Mexico and central America. In the catalog proper he includes a number of Mexican Laphria not also found northward, and these would all presumably be transferred to other genera.

Currently, this web site does not cover Mexico or the Caribbean. Both, however, contain areas that are part of the Nearctic Region. It has never been my intention to cover even the Nearctic portions of Mexico, for a variety of practical reasons. However, outside of Lampria there can't be that many additional Laphriini in Nearctic Mexico or in the Caribbean, and it is tempting to fit them in here somehow. Such far southern representatives of a northern group could have considerable biological interest.

The new references are listed in chronological order below.

Johnson (1895)
Aldrich (1907)
Withington (1909)
Davis (1910)
Metz (1922)
Sturtevant (1925)
Bertram (1935)
White (1949)
Thorp, Horning, & Dunning (1983)
Waldbauer (1988)

I annotated these in cases where it wasn't obvious from the title which species were covered. The text color for the annotations is green. I realize this introduces some inconsistency. Papers already in the bibliography are NOT annotated. I will try to get the old papers in line bit by bit. I believe annotations will greatly add to the value of the bibliography.

I'm sure there's a lot more I left out. I based the original bibliography on the one for my disseratation, coupled with what newer papers I could remember or get to easily. Since I graduated in 1986 this leaves a lot of material to cover.

In general I think that thanks to the interconnectivity of web, that even with older papers it is now possible to have a much broader view than say, Hull did in 1962. What is available is almost increasing daily. To whit, despite their age, five of the papers listed above are not included in any of the bibliographic overviews--the five absent references being Wirthington (1909), Sturtevant (1925), Bertram (1935), White (1949), and Thorp, Horning, & Dunning (1983).